And the winner of the TTT Fly Tying Competition is...
...Erik Eriksson from Oslo – CONGRATULATIONS!
Thank you all for participating, sending so many fantastic flies to this little tying competition. Håkan Norling and I had a really hard times judging all the 150 contributions. So many good flies from so many good tiers all around the world – fantastic! TTT is a remarkable little invention that we are really proud of. Great to see how many tiers that have understood the greatness with TTT, putting their own favorite flies into TTT dressings. Hopefully you will get as good catches as we had on them.
It was a bit tricky to judge flies from photos, not having them in your hand. Some great flies had not as good photos and some excellent photos on not as good flies. We tried to judge flies and not the way they were presented, also to judge the innovative ideas behind the creations. After a hard time, looking at photos for hours both of us agreed to make the shrimp creations from Erik Eriksson the winner. Maybe there where technically better flies, more classic for sure, but the innovative way Erik tied the “Pattegrisen” fly series made us decide to make him the winner – congratulations! Use the 2500 sek gift card in the shop wisely and you will be able to tie even greater flies during this spring. Erik has also promised to write us a little step by step with thoughts on tying these flies. Coming up shortly in the blog!
Since there were so many good flies – fantastic flies – we also decided to give honorable mentions to a few more. Daniel Heimburg for his TTT Spey series, Toni Rinne for his Sierrakorva TTT variant, Jesper Nyberg for his magnificent Silver Wilkinson TTT variation, Thomas Martin for his Pahtakorvas and Patrick Hedberg for is orange yellow killer TTT fly. We will send a “Fight for the Wild Salmon” t-shirt as a little token for your awesome contributions.
We could mention many more tiers and great creations. Since this was so much fun, we are planning to do another tying competition on another tying theme soon – stayed tuned! In a way we are all winners to have this fantastic creative hobby, to escape into the world of hair and feathers, especially during though times like these – so stay strong and tie on!THE WINNER – "Pattegrisen" TTT by Erik Eriksson
TTT Spey by Daniel Heimburg
Sierrakorva TTT by Toni Rinne
Silver Wilkinson TTT by Jesper Nyberg
Pahtakorva TTTs by Thomas Martin
Orange Yellow Killer TTT by Patrick Hedberg