Opening Day on the Mörrum tomorrow!
Well then, everything was packed and it was time for Mörrum premiere. Imagine what the years go by. I firmly believe I was in Mörrum first time in 1977 and I then had years licence from -83. It’s crazy - 36 years ago and I still see myself as a youngster. Well that should be fun even if pool 1 the premiere is more circus than fishing. Maybe I can in any event, have a little fun short film to show you. The river is a 25 m2/s and it is just 0,5 C In the water, which in and of itself is better than the -0.8 that we had on Em opening! I have rigged two 13.7 one with a I/2/4 and one F/I/2 we will see, some polys in my pocket so think I will be OK with that. The Fly boxes is full of "candy" so it’s not the default in any case. Looking forward to meet the mad golfer (J Haeggman) on Whiskey Island tomorrow. Will try to blog with results tomorrow night!