...last fishing in Iceland - for this time!
Time to move on. The last day was the fishing on beat 2 until lunch. Beat 2 is primarily a place for running fish. Then there was one of this mornings when we barely saw any fish, it was tricky. Shallow stream edges without any real holding pools yielded only a small but amazingly nice salmon. Again it was a Samurai who fixed the take. Actually, it is a fact that a day when you get salmon is never a bad day. There have been so many empty days through the years. Well, after that we went to the smokehouse to replace the "Sea ranching salmon" against smooked and off to Reykjavik. For “Veidiflugur” where Hilmar Hanson - "Hilli Billi Iceland" my good friend and his flyfishing wife Odny met up. A nice evening with good friends so the day ended.