Laerdal days, Norway

We drove from Bolstad passed Naeröy where there were only a few cubics of water. Stalandsfossen was impressive but the river just a little creek. Laerdal “The Queen” is inviting as , with only 30 m2 it was smaller and also trickier than normal. Öje is a great beat, the greatest on the lower river for sure. I remember back in the -80ies when I guided Laerdal. I spent a lot of time on the bridge looking at fisherman playing great fish in the Bridge Pool – this great pool where salmon like to stay on a bit higher water. We met some though fishing with just a few fish caught. Three days gave three very nice sea liced sea trout, one little and two sea winter sea liced salmon. For sure there were more fish around than out catches showed. Not a cloud and 30C did for sure not help on the low water conditions. A 5 cm Nanook on a small TTT gave me the salmon and a small green Samurai the sea trout. The last night I gave the sea trout a good try with a tiny fly and thin leader and lost a nice 5-6 kilo fish and landed one 2 kilo covered in sea lice. On my way home the great news of Per Stadighs impressive 131 cm 23 kilo heavy fish from ¨Old Pastor¨ reached me. A great fish to a good fisher – I lit my cap with envy…