Kharlovka week 2, day 3
The storm came today! Anders was smart; he overslept and stayed in camp. I tried to go fishing battling winds of 24-26 m/sec until I quit just after lunch. Despite seeing numerous fish coming up the river, I couldn’t get the fly out far enough and just got kelt. Anders fished Home Pool before dinner and got two nice salmon! Chuck and I and one of the Russians went back out after dinner. Chuck first hooked a good fish that he managed to land after a tremendous battle with over 100 yards of line out. 12 kilo and sea-liced. It was my turn right after that, and after another hard fight I landed a salmon 102 cm and 11 kilo – great stuff! The new black “Zebra” produced again. Chuck landed another 5 kilo salmon, before we called it the day. Fantastic Home Pool!