Canny how the weather gods play their cards sometimes. In addition to the persistent fog that once again kept us away from Litza the wind increased during the morning, the rain intensified, and the storm was over us! We started at the Island Pool, and then Julians. This pool is the first not affected by the tides, and it always holds fish! Kari and Esko got two fish each and in the stubborn weather a slightly deeper fished fly, somewhat larger, was the right approach. Kari whom I helped catch two fine fish used a Nobody with a red skull and also a connect line with sinking 2-3 tip. It pays to follow the whims of nature and adapt your methods. The water temperature is now down to 13 degrees - from 19,5 in two days - no wonder the fish is confused and sluggish! Today I didn’t fish at all. Winds at 20 m/s and pouring rain made the sauna and a hot nice shower more attractive.