Munich - great fair!
So my EWF Munich premier is over! I don’t know what I expected or what I should compare it with, but it was a truly great fair! One of the best I have ever attended, and I have been to a few believe me! The fair was held in the monastery outside Munich and it was for the 8th time. There where visitors from all over Europe. I know that I spoke to Swedes, Danes, Norwegians, Scwiz , Austrians, Italian, Hungarian, Bulgarian as well as Russian and of course a whole bunch of Germans! Most of the European fly fishing celebrities were at show as well as some from overseas. It was good to meet Garry Borger, Hans Van Klinken, Roman Moser and a bunch of the Scottish casting hooligans again! SSS and Guideline products where represented but this time it was mostly fishing talk for me. ASR – Kharlovka, Litza and Master Class was discussed with hundreds of fishermen. Me and ASR director and Kharlovka camp manager Justin McCarthy did a couple of popular film- and photo shows. Over all a great experience that surely will be repeated!