Kharlovka -Saturday 11/6

The”Master Class” guys are leaving camp! They should be honored by despite the tough fishing they kept the spirit high all week – great guys! I left for Litza falls around 10 for a few hours fishing …about time! I started left side with a 2/4/6 line and a little green new fly. The first hours gave me a nice 18 and a 19 lbs and a lost smaller 10-12lbs – great fishing in a great place! After Lunch we changed side and my pal Jurg from Switzerland lost a great fish just before I landed my third, a sea liced beauty of 16 lbs – great to get good fishing directly. I bet the guy upstairs had a finger to do with it… A couple of pulls and another one lost was the result. “Moonshine” one of the new patterns this year gave me all the action. Back in camp to meet the new crowd – hugs & kisses to some good friends. Si, Mark, Karl and a few others I’ve met before including our Russian friend Vladimir. They were all surprised by the result last week. The chopper took off again and this time for lower Litza right side. I fished fantastic classic without result then waded out in the middle of Snowbank. A hard pull – change of fly and then a take that ripped the line out of my hands! After a hard crazy brutal fight for 15-20 minutes I got the fly back – shit! This fish was at least 30 and probably closer to 35 lbs! I kept the little Black& Green simple fly and hooked and landed 2 fantastic fish 22 and 17 lbs both covered with sea lice!
The margins in salmon fishing are so small! Same day the “master Class” group left the fish started to run – I felt so sorry for the group! My day gave me 5 nice, fish 3 lost one great one and a few pulls – Thank you Litza!!
The temperature showed 5 Celsius and the icy wind from the north seemed to make the fish run like normal again! This night I will sleep well!