Fantastic salmon on each highwater!
Today I was with Team Scotland 2 in the lower parts of Kharlovka. Rough, tough and a fantastic fish at 12 kilos for Jamie in Rockpool. A great fight and a happy Scot. The low water and the relatively warm weather make the salmon shoot past the lower parts. Half an our before being picked up by the helicopter I waded over to Island Pool and instantly caught a sturdy male at 97 cm and 11 kilos – yep, in great condition. All the fish have been in great shape. This resulted in a crazy film clip, I’ll post it on the blog later. Middle Litza was awesome today, Dave and David caught 6 nice fish including a male at 36 lbs (around 16 kilos). A staggering fight from Upper to Lower Tent and then bliss! I hope I can post some pictures of the large fish later... I’ve fished three hours or so each day, and caught fish exceeding 20 lbs every day!
Tomorrow it’s off to Litza – cool...I’m going to find it hard to get to sleep! Litza is THE pearl among them all.
Tomorrow it’s off to Litza – cool...I’m going to find it hard to get to sleep! Litza is THE pearl among them all.