Big Dee Springer
Just received an mms message with photo from Lars Terkildsen of a really big Springer caught by Marko Hannonen from Finland yesterday.
He caught this super 30lb Springer at Birse yesterday on the fly. (potential Malloch trophy candidate)
The length was 1 metre 10 cms which would be 30 lbs according to our data and length to weight conversion charts.
It was one of a 3 fish catch on a small plastic sunray Marko enjoyed at Birse-his colleague also took a fish at Birse yesterday.
Haven written about big fish being seen recently it’s great to hear of one being landed.
He caught this super 30lb Springer at Birse yesterday on the fly. (potential Malloch trophy candidate)
The length was 1 metre 10 cms which would be 30 lbs according to our data and length to weight conversion charts.
It was one of a 3 fish catch on a small plastic sunray Marko enjoyed at Birse-his colleague also took a fish at Birse yesterday.
Haven written about big fish being seen recently it’s great to hear of one being landed.