
After a near full day’s journey, we finally arrived with the boat at the at Sautso. 4 nice days ahead. First we headed off upstream to Törmenen. We; my youngest son Jakob, Eivind Myhre and our friends and boatmen Tormod and Paul. Eivind began with a nice fish at 9 kilos on a 14 cm Sunray - good start! The Hareströmmen gave me a tug and after a few minutes it was gone, another dropped grilse before continuing to Sirppi. Eivind fished from the boat and took two fine fish, 12 kilos and a nice grilse. Lunch and 3-0 to Norway. After having eaten we headed downstream, I started from the bank and a 8 cm Vahaeniva attracted a 102 cm female. Jakob, who fished for grayling landed a beautiful grilse which had swallowed his streaking caddis! His struggle with a class 4 rod took as long as mine with the big fish. A quick pull at Goddaniemi gave a grilse and the score leveled at 3-3 after the first day. Jokes aside, it’s no contest ... although 1.5 Swedes (Jakob’s class 4 counts as a half) and 3 adult Norwegians are even teams!

Both the spirit and the fishing are at their peak - great to be back!