Kharlovka - Tuesday

Today we headed for Litza – this pearl among salmon rivers in the world. Weather changed to overcast, drizzle and southern wind. It’s funny but up here southern wind is a bad sign. The best is northern wind (might be the only place where it’s considered a good thing). We arrived at the tent camp and had the whole stretch down to the sea to dispose of. We realized after a while that fishing was slow. After a lot of urging I managed to land a colored 5 kilos on a small Dee Sheep. I fished Lower Tent and right at the curve things started to happen. It was a fast fished Nobody that did the trick this time. It rushed for 50 meters and proved to be a real fighter. After a good battle among the big rocks and harsh water I managed to land a nice, liced 7 kilo Osenka – fantastic! These are the once we are here for! The strongest, fattest and by far the most brilliant salmon there is! The rest of the day was slow, not many fish showed themselves and the wind kept blowing in from the south. I managed to land a small grilse which summed up my day with a total of three fish.