Kharlovka - Thursday
I woke up after a sleepless night – bummer! Some sort of cold that has possessed me….I swallowed 2 tilenols and took off. The helicopter took us to upper Rynda. We landed by the upper lake. I walked down to Trou Vista and had 2 grilse and a few fat sea trout around 1 kilo. Kolja sent me away to Swan Lake. “- It’s not far just follow the river.” Hm…well I don’t know my way so well at Rynda and I started to think after walking for an hour and a half not even Kolja seems to know. The effect of the pills started to wear off and I felt like something the cat dragged in…..I fished my way down and finally I got a hold of Kolja and my pills – rescued! The afternoon gave me a pretty nice 7 kilo in a pocket beyond Eagle’s nest. A rapidly fished Nobody in harsh and wavy water did the trick. I lost another one after that which ended the day for me.