D-Day ...or G-DAY!!!
D-day! This day would prove special! We started with tarpon in the morning and then came to a large, shallow fine flat where I have seen tailing Permit before. It was my turn on deck. Permit does not stand up in the course of Gurra - fish for fish that dont eat!? ¨ Two big permit came cruising from right - hard to see windy and hard to cast on - with some luck I got the fly good in front once - stripped slowly without interest. Jonger swearing and screamed hysterically and I had the fly there again. I think I casted to 50 or so uninterested Permit so when the great fish took the fly in a large sand swirl, it was absolutely magical! Strike Strike Strike ... Jonger screamed hysterically and I set the hook. I thought ... maybe got it for 20 seconds before it spittit the crab! Shit!!!! Quite unbelievably it took the fly and I had not fixed to set the hook! As much crap as I got from the guide then, I have probably never had before .... fire and brimstone rhymes that even got sun blushing! We stumbled on ... lokky lokky looky many .... a whole shoal came in front of us ... 10 m/s over the right shoulder, 12-foot leader and a heavy fly hard ... if not impossible ... many bad casts and the fish disappeared ... more swearing! Luckyily i can controll my self or i could have killed him...! You see them ...? Later in the shallow flats came a few permit more .. more hysterical screams and instructions in the thousands, english spanich and god nows ... this time I was cooler waited for the right angle, set the cast and got the little crab close to them. One of the two fish bent over the fly and took it! This time I set the hook harder and it set off like a rocket! We found soon out it was a small fish, and after a while I was able to land my first Permit. An incredibly nice shaped fish in maybe 10-12 lbs class - a magical feeling! Now the "grand slam" was within reach!. We went to Breton and it took no more than half an hour before I was able to hook and land a nice little bonefish. 2 out of 3 before lunch-this should go!? We went out again at 3. Gurra gave me as agreed now all fishing time. We chased tarpon and I casted to several, hooked and lost one before we were again back at Breton. The fish rolled into the broad channel and I set the hook on a fat 70-80 lbs fish that after a totally crazy series of jumpes came off. Half an hour later I got my fly in front of some fish and hit one hard again! This time I kept rock hard to the line, set the hook with risk to brake my fly line and then we were off! After a hard hour’s long fight it was done. Just over a 1.5 m long tarpon in the 60-70lbs class rested in my arms and the"Grand Slam" was a fact! A great feeling! Happiness and relief!