Busy day at Najc!
After a good day att Fishline the small fly tying tour ended at Najc in Gävle where a lot of people showed up, making the atmosphere great! Najc is one of the best salmon fishing shops in the country with the vicinity to Älvkarleby, Gavleån and Ljusnan contributing as well as Chrille Wiklund who’s proved to be a real salmon king. The experience and crazy stubbornness is that makes a real salmon angler!
Much talk about the new materials and the half tubros and the technique around them might have been what drawn the most attention. Many said to be appreciating the flexibly of the FITS system - always great to hear, even thought the news been out for 30 years! Just a few days left until the salmon ”Master Class” in Mörrum!
Much talk about the new materials and the half tubros and the technique around them might have been what drawn the most attention. Many said to be appreciating the flexibly of the FITS system - always great to hear, even thought the news been out for 30 years! Just a few days left until the salmon ”Master Class” in Mörrum!